an audio glutton

Welcome! This is my project to finally listen to all of the songs in my library and stop being a punk. Hopefully we can find some good, interesting music. Well, at least interesting music.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 24: The best of everything.

The schizophrenic weather around here is really getting me down. I'm pro-snow, so the rain is just miserable, both because its freezing cold and because it, well, freezes. I'm reduced to walking to my classes instead of biking, the result of a comic series of foibles and circumstances arranged to render my bike inoperable. But, enough bitching.

One phenomenon I didn't think about when starting this project was the deluge of compilation albums that use "The Best of..." convention for their titles. David Bowie, Carly Simon, Depeche Mode, even the double-take worthy Dramarama and Fad Gadget have respective "Best of's" to throw into the mix.

Here's the complete list of "Best of" artists, in the order I heard them:

David Bowie
Carly Simon
David Bowie (again, but this time 1969-1974)
Depeche Mode
Fad Gadget
Larry Graham and Graham Central Station
Marvin Gaye (let's get it on)
Simon & Garfunkel
The Beach Boys
The Smiths
The Spinners
Warren Zevon


I'm glad that I actually listened to Pixies. I mean, mutilating waves are great and whatnot, but I'm sure the band had a little more substance.

And now, something completely different.

Yes, that's Panjabi MC, off his album Bhangra. I thought you'd like it. I have this strange soft spot for anything pseudo-spoken in another language in music. Its like a kryptonite-esque weakness of mine. The other thing I get all goofy for are women talking lyrics over a really heavy baseline, à la CSS, Duchess Says, or even (don't hate me) The Ting Tings (sometimes, when its a full moon). Things rounded off today with some more Hiromi (who's funky piano I will always fawn over) and The Black Keys with The Big Come Up

Music left: 159.38gb


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